Sunday, 19 June 2011

Body Of Lies

Everybody lies!!! You , me, the person sitting next to you the one you might have met yesterday or the ones you might meet in the future. They all will have lied some time in their lives. I agree though that the frequency of lies varies from person to person. So today a person with a lower frequency of lies is deemed a very genuine and nice person, it’s that bad. When was the last time you lied? Last minute? Last hour? Last day?--- Can’t remember. Not your fault. It’s got inside our systems, it comes naturally to us, telling lies. Nowadays we don’t think twice before lying , but before telling the truth, we do think. We think whether it right to tell the truth. What will be it’s present and future effects, and that whether we are obliged to tell the truth. In this confusion we usually end up telling a very beautiful good looking lie.
The causes of telling a lie may vary are usually abundant. To save your reputation, to make the other feel good, to not do thing which you might have to otherwise have had to do, to for cover up a lie etc etc….
When you were a kid, I’m sure you might have done something you were not supposed to do. Like breaking the next doors auntie’s window, stealing toffees from your mom’s purse, using a slang for the first time. And when you were asked, you pulled up such an innocent face and denied the truth, you see your training began when you were quite young.
When you were in middle school, didn’t you bunk some classes? You might have been busy playing basketball while the teachers thought you were busy doing preparations for the annual day. When you were absent from school for a day, you so easily wrote ‘stomach upset’ as your excuse when you might have overslept or had just not felt like seeing your class chairs that day.
These seem quite harmless, they might and in fact they are but it’s not about the lies it about the habit of lying. We get so used to it that afterwards we feel that it is a kind of human right and we are doing no bad when we deny the truth. It’s the case with all of us.
Think of this, you might have been sitting in a movie hall laughing away with your friends while people at home thought that you were in your coaching class. As we grow up the reasons for telling lies changes but the habit does not. Now we don’t tell lies for petty things, we lie to the other when we don’t want any unnecessary discussion or argument , sometimes for avoiding a situation which might have posed a threat to you well being.
I am not advocating lies here. What I am saying is that today the situation is such that if you go around telling the truth each and every time , you will hurt most people and also suffer yourself. So we resort to lies, we are content with that. If today somehow we are forced to pay a rupee for each lie we say, India will truly become the economic superpower that it is waiting to become. Give it a thought.


  1. Well, u wrote what we all do and then feel the guilt. But can we survive without lie?

  2. Lies don't do you any good in the long run. The truth catches up sooner or later. The bigger the lie, the harder it hurts. We have all heard about a major Indian company which collapsed due to this very reason. Ironically, the company was called 'Satyam' :D
