Saturday, 4 June 2011

One linear transformation at a time...

MATRIX - (Mind And Thought in Radical Information Xchange) is a discussion forum at BITS Pilani Goa Campus where people come together and share their views on various subjects. In the recent past, our events such as the short film festival and interaction with top Goan authors have been very successful and the audience has gone back with a lot to think about.

Exchanging ideas, learning from each other and facilitating intellectual growth are the goals of MATRIX and to further this process, we have started this blog - Linear Transformation of Words. Since the dawn of civilisation, the written word has been the most powerful medium for transforming the collective thought process and driving the general upliftment of mankind. Today, in the digital age, we have a number of excellent tools at our disposal - the blogosphere being one of them. Through this blog, we aim at revolutionizing the way the world looks at itself, the way the world thinks; and we're taking it one linear transformation at a time. If any of this can spark a thought or get you going to do something wonderful, our purpose will be served.

Enjoy reading!

1 comment:

  1. brief yet eloquent beginning. super! kudos on that, and hope many insightful discussions will spill out thanks to this blog.
