Monday, 22 August 2011

Thy Art- A Dream !

It was a rainy morning, the first time i saw her!

It was a quick glance, the first thing i stole from her!

It was a heart beat, that it took for me to realise!

It was a smile, that confirmed : she felt the same!

My heart ached for a word, her face produced a smile!

My butterflies came alive, on her face came the life!

My mouth went dry, her eyes went searching!

My eyes were feasting, her hair was blowing!

It had to blossom, It had to live!

I had to do it, or I had to lose!

I chose to do, and that for my loss!

I said the words, and recieved a smile!

All was well, All thy plan!

All thy gift, All thy art!

It was then, came the roar!

"Son, wake up,you have an exam today"!

~~Sarath Menon